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Showing posts with the label Hacker News

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Mobile developers – how do you market your apps you made for fun?

Ask HN: Mobile developers – how do you market your apps you made for fun? 2 by vivqu | 0 comments on Hacker News. I recently released my app WorldAnimals (, a $0.99 game on iOS & Android makes language learning super fun by teaching you how different countries all over the world say animal sounds (ex. do dogs "woof" in Chinese? Does a frog "ribbit" in Russian?). I'm not planning on turning this into a full-time startup idea so I'm not looking for comprehensive marketing strategies. I just want to make sure I'm doing a passable job at getting the word out there to users who might enjoy my app. I posted on ProductHunt and hit up my own personal networks (FB/Twitter/etc). I also had the good idea to answer related quora posts with a promo of my app. I've reached out to a few tech reporters too. What else do y'all do?

New ask Hacker News story: Google Photos put a weird health conspiracy video in my feed

Google Photos put a weird health conspiracy video in my feed 2 by martythemaniak | 0 comments on Hacker News. Google photos generates animations, collages and summaries of photos you've taken. Usually works well enough, but this hyper weird video showed up today in the Assistant tab. What kind of a bug is this?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What other problems or purpose is Google Search solving for you?

Ask HN: What other problems or purpose is Google Search solving for you? 2 by sharedmocha | 0 comments on Hacker News. Most of us use google search for finding something on the internet. Apart from searching i do use it for 'auto correction' of sentences. I do this by copy pasting small sentence into search bar and letting google search correct spelling mistakes or grammar. If you are using google search for other purpose you can share them below so others can use it.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Does Apple violate anti-competition laws by disallowing other browsers?

Ask HN: Does Apple violate anti-competition laws by disallowing other browsers? 2 by osrec | 0 comments on Hacker News. I am aware that Apple allows other vendors to wrap their browsers around a Safari component on iOS, but they do not allow them to use their own rendering engines. Firstly, why do they do this? And secondly, does this violate antitrust laws in a similar way that Microsoft did with IE?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Books that blend math and fiction

Ask HN: Books that blend math and fiction 3 by sonabinu | 1 comments on Hacker News. Just finished 'The Housekeeper and the Professor'by Yoko Ogawa. A really nice blend of fiction and mathematics, especially Number Theory. Loved it for it's ease of read, sensitive writing and the math. My favorite line in the book, a thought stream on whether to have a formula explained or discovered by oneself '... but I felt that I would have a much deeper understanding if I struggled it alone for a while'. I am looking to read more books like this one. Any recommendations?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Do you have any example of good CV for a software engineer?

Ask HN: Do you have any example of good CV for a software engineer? 3 by napolux | 0 comments on Hacker News. I recently changed job and I would like to refresh my CV style, while listing some knowledge I always forget to mention like CI/CD tools, and so on. Do you have any example of stunning CVs examples for software engineer roles to share?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Has anyone ever been hired from “Who wants to be hired?” threads?

Ask HN: Has anyone ever been hired from “Who wants to be hired?” threads? 3 by threwawasy1228 | 2 comments on Hacker News. Just a simple question, I have seen stories of people who were hired based on the job postings threads. Never once have I heard of anyone getting anything other than recruiter spam from the Ask HN: Who wants to be Hired threads. I think it might be useful to hear stories either way. Were you hired after someone contacted you? Did you receive responses that weren't recruiter-spam from your posts there?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What do you do on an Android phone that cannot be done on an iPhone?

Ask HN: What do you do on an Android phone that cannot be done on an iPhone? 2 by belltaco | 0 comments on Hacker News. Not trying to start a flame war. I am finally switching away from my trusty Nokia Lumia 920 because the browser wouldn't load and WhatsApp says app will be gone at the end of the year. I like the snappiness of Windows Phone and iPhone UI. Haven't checked Android phones recently but years ago the UI was laggy and no one except I seem to notice. Also know that sideloading apps, blocking ads in apps etc. is much easier on Android so I am hard pressed to decide between the two.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Recommended Coding Bootcamps?

Ask HN: Recommended Coding Bootcamps? 4 by HockeyPlayer | 1 comments on Hacker News. A friend wants to break into coding and has asked my advice. He has an offer from Revature, which he describes as: "They train their new associates for 10 to 12 weeks and then try to place them at different companies. Since the training is free and they also provide corporate housing, they require new associates to sign an agreement for a two year employment term. The first year pay is around 50k and the second year around 65k. The training is in Arlington Texas and after the training they can send me anywhere in the US to work depending on their clients needs." My initial thoughts are that he would be better suited with an online school as being forced to travel for 2 years for that low of pay isn't a good deal. But I'm not up to speed on the subject and would appreciate advice.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Talking in Corporate Meetings

Ask HN: Talking in Corporate Meetings 8 by rainyMammoth | 4 comments on Hacker News. I work for one of the big engineering companies in the Bay Area (similar to FAANG). I am an engineer but interact with a lot of teams. As such I end up joining a lot of meetings with 10/15 people, sometimes even more. Those meetings are extremely difficult for me. It seems that everyone is trying to talk to sound interesting, adding very little actual information. Extrovert people like to jump on every single small flow so they can show off that it's an issue. My feelings are that meetings are a way for people to assert themselves more than a way to exchange actual information. As I'm usually not the one in charge of the meeting I'm always struggling between staying fully silent and talking up and getting into this combative mode. I'm always doubting what I have to say. I'm usually more introvert and shy than most people speaking up which makes it really difficult sometimes. For

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How to become a successful startup employee?

Ask HN: How to become a successful startup employee? 2 by X__O | 0 comments on Hacker News. I am recently moving to a startup (late stage, post series D) from a big company. Since I was not satisfied with building internal tools without much customer impact. I wondering what different knowledge and skills do I need to acquire in order to become a successful start employee? PS: I am a new software engineer with about 1.5 year experience. The company I am about to join is also a portfolio of UC

New ask Hacker News story: Social media strike proposed for July 4-5 by Wikipedia co-founder

Social media strike proposed for July 4-5 by Wikipedia co-founder 2 by lsanger | 0 comments on Hacker News. "Humanity has been contemptuously used by vast digital empires," says my new "Declaration of Digital Independence" (, which you can sign. So I'm calling a massive social media strike ( for July 4-5 to raise awareness of the possibility of decentralizing social media, which in my experience is wildly popular whenever proposed. Read the FAQ ( and use some collected resources ( to learn and spread the word far and wide. Look for lots of news about this soon. And get ready! Maybe we can make a long-held geek dream finally come true.

New ask Hacker News story: MissingMyMental (Express mental health thru art)

MissingMyMental (Express mental health thru art) 3 by dontbedarius | 0 comments on Hacker News. I came up with was a clothing brand that can help express different types of mental health disorders. Some of the topics are linked back to my original research about neurologic symptoms. The other topics that we picked also had a high number of cases within the United States. With our brand, we hope to bring awareness to mental health and to help people speak out to others so that we can get the right type of help that is needed. With every item that is sold on our website part of our profits are donated to 3 different foundations that focus on mental health and provides resources for those that need it. Thank you for your support, be sure to check out our website for more info.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How to warm up a domain for email

Ask HN: How to warm up a domain for email 2 by fanseed | 1 comments on Hacker News. I send out ~40k emails every morning through mailchimp to our subscribers and for the past three years or so have fairly regularly gotten low 40's% open rates every weekday. Then last Wednesday, it dropped to low 30's. Our format hasn't changed, our content hasn't changed. Mailchimp doesn't see anything wrong. We can't figure out what might have caused the drop. (Did anything happen that I don't know about in Mailchimp, gmail, etc?) We never authenticated our domain (so our sender shows as 'via' mailchimps servers) and I think perhaps that's the next step to take. I'm worried about our open rates/deliverability taking a huge dip since our domain isn't 'warmed up' with sending that many emails out every day. Does that happen? Anything I need to do or anything else I should think about?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Idea feedback on personal analytics

Ask HN: Idea feedback on personal analytics 2 by metroan | 0 comments on Hacker News. The idea is to build an app to vent your thoughts. In today's world, everyone is in a constant fight with the monkey mind inside of us. We live life on an autopilot mode, struggling with our thoughts, and marred our intelligence. I think the solution would be a cognitive platform that you can talk to daily by telling it whatever emotion that builds up, and the platform would ask questions based on your inputs. The platform would provide you with detailed personal analytics on a day to day basis and would help you to understand your emotional state and map it to events that happened. This solution is not a Therapist app but useful as a self-discovery tool. What is your view on such a service?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How can a non-English speaker(they have diff script)learn how to code?

Ask HN: How can a non-English speaker(they have diff script)learn how to code? 2 by jelliclesfarm | 0 comments on Hacker News. I if their language..doesn’t have Romance language scripts like alphabets. Asian languages, Cyrillic etc. I suppose Italian/French/Spanish have alphabets that is common to English language. How do they relate to the English language and it’s alphabetical script? They would have to learn English, yes?